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Grant Applications

Alderholt Parish Council considers applications for funding support from any organisation that will enhance or improve village life for residents. There are 2 types of grant available; 

***Please note that the deadlines for submitting applications changed in March 2021. Applications are still considered twice a year but the deadlines for submission are now 31st May and 31st October.***

General Grants
A grant of up to £300 towards the general running costs of an organisation that is based in the Parish area and/or of benefit to the residents of Alderholt (although not exclusively). Applications are considered twice a year and must be submitted to the Parish Council by 31st May or 31st October. Please click here for an application form and details. 

Community Grants
A  grant to support community based Capital Funding Projects that are based in the Parish area and/or of benefit to the residents of Alderholt (although not exclusively). Applications are considered twice a year and must be submitted to the Parish Council by 31st May or 31st October. Please click here for an application form and details. 

Grants Awarded by Alderholt Parish Council 

Other sources of Funding/Support
Alderholt Community Fund
was launched in May 2016, using funds from the solar farm in the village to support community projects in the parish.  The fund has an agreement with the solar farm operators, Good Energy Ltd, to manage an annual income from the farm for the benefit of the community.  Four trustees administer this and welcome applications for funding.  Further details, guidance and application forms are available at   https://alderholtcommunitycharitabletrust.org/  

Alderholt Community Charitable Trust is a Registered Charity Number 1167313.

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