Header Image for Alderholt Parish Council


Village Planters 2020 planted by Cllrs Logan and Butler

2018 Gym Equipment Installation

2018 Playground Refurbishment 

2019 Parish Council Flowers for St James Patronal Festival 

2018 Remembrance  
marking the Centenary of the end of the First World War 

July 2018 - (L-R) Cllr Martin Smethers, Group Scout Leader Sheenagh Bradford of 1st Alderholt Scouts, Chair of Alderholt Parish Council, Cllr Gina Logan and Vice Chair of Alderholt Parish Council, Cllr Adrian Hibberd at the official handover of Rifle Range Land for scouting activities  

July 2018 - Chair of Alderholt Parish Council, Cllr Gina Logan cutting the ribbon at the official handover of Rifle Range Land for scouting activities.

Cllr Adrian Hibberd presenting allotment tenant
Ann Hooper with the award for Best Kept Allotment 2017

Cllr Gina Logan was presented with the
East Dorset District Council award as part of
Best Kept Village 2017 

Summer 2017 - Alderholt Mill Fingerpost - pre refurbishment by a local volunteer

Summer 2017 - Alderholt Mill Fingerpost - post refurbishment

Installation of Speed Indicator Device - July 2016
Left to right Sgt Stu Pitman (No Excuse Team Leader), Cllr Martin Smethers (Community Speed Watch Coordinator), Jenny O'Inn (Safety Camera Team Manager), Ron Camp and Joe Allen (Dorset County Council)

April 2016 - Presentation of Commemorative Coins for Queen's 90th birthday to pupils at St James' First School by Cllr Martin Smethers and Cllr Gina Logan.

Cllr Roy McCrudden was presented with the 
East Dorset District Council award as part of 
Best Kept Village 2015 (Picture courtesy of Daily Echo)

Alderholt Chapel Community Day - August 2015

Crossroad Solar Farm Open Day 2015

Hugo House from Good Energy addressing the Annual Parish Meeting 2015

Annual Village Meeting 2015 

Litter Pick arranged by Cllr Monks - March 2015

Remembrance Day 2014 at St James' Church