Header Image for Alderholt Parish Council
Committees/Working Parties and Representatives 2021/22

Full Council All councillors
Planning Committee Cllr G Logan (Chairman)
Cllr A Butler
Cllr S Butler
Cllr A Hibberd
Cllr D Tooke
Finance Committee

Cllr M Smethers (Chairman)
Cllr S Butler
Cllr A Hibberd
Cllr G Logan 
Cllr D Tooke 

Neighbourhood Plan Committee All 9 Cllrs
Working Parties
97 Bus Working PartyClerk, Cllr G Logan, Cllr S Butler and representatives of Knowlton and Cranborne Parish Councils
Representatives for External Bodies
DAPTC (Eastern Area)
Village Hall Committee
Scouts Liaison
Recreation Association Committee (Including attending Pavilion Project meetings as a stakeholder representative)
Plumley Wood Liaison 
Cllr A Hibberd & Cllr G Logan
Cllr A Butler
Cllr M Smethers
Cllr A Hibberd, Cllr S Greenland 

Cllr A Butler and Cllr K Mason
Representatives for Parish Amenities
Recreation Equipment Inspections
Footpath Officers
Grit Bins/Winter Maintenance
APC Flowerbed Upkeep
Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Cllr A Hibberd & Cllr S Greenland
Cllr G Logan & Cllr S Butler
Cllrs Logan, A Butler, Greenland, Mason,Stone
Cllr A Hibberd
Cllr S Butler
Cllr G Logan & Cllr R Stone
All Cllrs 
Cllrs M Smethers, S Butler and A Hibberd