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Alderholt Parish Council

Alderholt Parish Council is served by 9 councillors, all of whom are volunteers who collectively make decisions on issues affecting the village. A councillor is normally elected for a term of four years unless they are co-opted to the Council between elections. The Council is supported by the Parish Clerk and assistant clerk who are located in the Parish Office in the Village Hall, Station Road.

The Council meet once a month (with the exception of August) in the committee room at the village hall and additional committee meetings also take place during the year.  Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings at which there is a Public open forum item allowing the public to voice their concerns.

What we do

Alderholt Parish Council is an elected body in the first tier of local Government. Local councils have the legal power to take action but have a limited number of duties. Alderholt Parish Council plays a vital role in representing the interests of the community we serve and improving the quality of life and local environment. Furthermore, we can influence decision makers and deliver services to meet local needs.

Alderholt Parish Council  may, with the agreement of Dorset Council, exercise certain functions normally carried out by those councils. The Government is encouraging local councils to deliver more services and play a greater part in their communities.

On a day to day basis, we deal with enquiries from the public on issues ranging from potholes in the road to recycling queries. The Council is a consultee on new planning applications and policies affecting Alderholt and is consulted by various bodies on a wide range of issues relevant to the village. We work with many local community groups and organisations to enhance the facilities available in Alderholt and sometimes provide funding if required. The Council manage the allotments in Hillbury Road and co-manage the recreation ground with Alderholt Recreation Association. We are also looking into the following projects;  refurbishment of the war memorial, continuation of support for 97 bus.