Header Image for Alderholt Parish Council


Summary for 2021-2022
Summary for 2020-2021
Summary for 2019-2020 
Summary for 2018-2019
Summary for 2017-2018
Summary for 2016-2017

Annual Accounts for year ending 31st March 2021
2020/21 - Click here for Annual Return and Governance Statement Section 1 
                Click here for Annual Return and Governance Statement Section 2
                Click here for Notice of Public Rights


2019/2020 - Click here for a copy of the Conclusion of Audit and here for the Annual Return and Governance Statement and here for Internal Auditor Report 
2018/19 - Click here for a copy of the Conclusion of Audit and Annual Return and Governance Statement
2017/2018 - Click here for a copy of the Conclusion of Audit and Annual Return and Governance Statement and here for Internal Auditor Report.
2016/2017 - Click here for a copy of the Conclusion of Audit and Annual Return and Governance Statement and here for Internal Auditor Report.
2015/2016 - Click here for a copy of the Conclusion of Audit. Click  here for Annual Governance Statement and Accounts. Click here for Internal Auditor Report


Council Payments for over £ 500.00