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Gladman Inquiry

East Dorset District Cllr Logan attended the Gladman Planning Application Inquiry which lasted 6 days. The main 3 issues were provision of a SANG, land supply & housing numbers and planning policy.

Click here for a copy of the points that Cllr Logan raised at the Inquiry.

***APP/U1240/W/17/3169111, Land North of Ringwood Road, Alderholt SP6 3HZ***

Alderholt Parish Council has today, 7th November 2017, received notification from East Dorset District Council regarding the appeal decision of the above in respect of Planning Application 3/16/1446/OUT for the demolition of The Hawthorns former horticultural nursery and bungalow and erection of up to 60 dwellings (including up to 50% affordable housing), introduction of structural planting and landscaping, informal public open space, surface water flood mitigation and attenuation, primary vehicular access off Ringwood Road, pedestrian access off Broomfield Drive and associated ancillary works.

It should be noted that in the Appeal Notice, schedule 1, condition 18, states that; the development hereby permitted shall comprise no more than 45 dwellings with a maximum net gain of 44 dwellings.

Alderholt Parish Council will continue to liaise with East Dorset District Council Planning Department regarding this development.

For Appeal decision Notice, please click here